ratosse had divided in rats fat people of sharp teeth and lean rats there that viviamamedrontados. the lean rats, of inside of its hole, looked at for the ratosgordos, eating the cheese. had noticed then a horrible transformation: the ratosgordos had the face igualzinha to the one of the cat. Because, between cat and rat diferena little: only a letter Rubem Alves, house: Explaining politics to the children (2009) Introduction During todaa history of the humanity the deetnias atrocities, brutalities and the extermnio is part of the formation of the empires. The cruelty of the people dominantesobre the dominated one did not find limits and was seen as a deconquista mechanism.
We can cite as examples of these slaughters in mass colonizaode new continents, the carnage of the Andean civilizations, and almost all apopulao of aborgenes of the Ocenia, beyond as much other barbriesacontecidas in the human passage in the land. However, some episodes had been marked in the history of the world, amongst them the Jews happened in Germany are the Holocaustocontra and the intemperance with they negrosforam that them treat in the United States since the foundation to the country. All this demasiafoi petitioned with an only objectivo, the conquest of the power. On behalf of the poderelites they had been become accustomed to humiliate it, to massacre and to exterminar people and grupostnicos, and in this way they had conquered the world. For Deleuze (2005, P. 37): Opoder does not have essence, it is operatrio. It is not attribute, but relation: arelao of being able is a set of the force relations, that in such a way pass pelasforas dominated how much for the dominant ones, both constituting singularidades. Opoder invests (the dominated ones), passes for them and through them, it is supported in them, in a similar way that they, in its fight against this power, support themselves for its veznos points where afectam they them.
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