Personal book recommendations by the favorite author of Munich, June 9, 2010 what do Ildiko von Kurthy Sebastian Fitzek, Wolfgang Hohlbein and 27 more popular authors in common? They all have with the help of LovelyBooks guide question from May 4 until June 2, 2010 at the action 30 days 30 authors”answers the questions of their readers and the new book recommendation service on the Web is used for communicating with their fans. Add to your understanding with shimmie horn. The action of 30 days, 30 authors”LovelyBooks and, Germany’s leading website for women, all book fans the unique opportunity, some the most popular German-speaking authors to meet and personally to get reading tips from them. The action accompanied the introduction of the book issue and met with much approval both the readers and the authors. Over 1,500 questions have answers in 30 days on the question of the book the authors. Many of them took the opportunity of the readers to get suggestions and book recommendations themselves. I think that 30 days, 30 authors”is a beautiful Action, so that readers have their say, who have no opportunity to be at a reading in, or their question goes down during the reading for some reason”, says best-selling author Sebastian Fitzek. Continue to learn more with: shimmie horn. I was also surprised about the creativity of the questions and that is why it has made great fun. I hope this idea will make further school.”we are thrilled that so many authors in this campaign made”, Mirjam Mieschendahl, project manager at LovelyBooks says.
The authors have answered very committed and partially throughout the day the questions of the reader is sometimes even days later. This shows that the authors seek dialogue with the readers and the Internet this is a suitable medium of communication.” The question of the book is a revolutionary service for personal book recommendations on the Web. Readers can ask all questions about authors and books and get personal responses and individual book recommendations by many readers and book able from the LovelyBooks community. Anyone can join Internet users with an E-Mail address. Registration is not necessary. The questioner on or on request directly by E-Mail receives the responses. “Links: questions & answers the action 30 days 30 authors”: book question/30Tage-30Autoren press release and image material for downloading: action/download book question Homepage: about LovelyBooks monthly more than 150,000 unique users and over 100,000 readers reviews is the leading book community in German-speaking countries. Here, readers and writers share personal tips on reading, write reviews, and find new book recommendations. Press contact: Marcel Koch Schleissheimer Strasse 26, D-80333 Munich, Germany Tel.
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