Another time some of the family of Miguel Briti and friends were fishing in the Three Tumbles, Joauba, city of Ecoporanga. We leave Mantenpolis and we stop in Mantena-MG to buy the bars of ice, resource that would keep the fished ones conserved by up to three days. In the sales Mr. Norberto, in Bar of San Francisco we buy the hooks and lines for the poles of fish. In Ecoporanga the stop in the Bar of the Elias, place was certain where we played fiches of sinuca, we drank cooling and beers, each one in its. The greenhouse of the Bar of the Elias was empty. Miguel and the uncle Isaiah ate more eggs sewn of what opossum in the hen nest. The pieces of chicken and the linguias you also fry were not nor to count history.
The great fishing of the group were Cream, Miguel, Isaiah, Edinho and Naltim. V Miguel already was old of war, but always he was good fisherman. I liked exactly I was to drink coffee and to be inside d water alone with pescocinho of the side of is. It had given chuvarada in those days and the holes in the rocks were full there and inside they were imprisoned fish, what it facilitated mine fishes. The tents had been armed and had left for would fish. I was that way and vi a small well formed on a rock flagstone.
He had in the maximum half meter of depth water. Check out hicham hassan for additional information. I looked at and vi some fish: piau, trara and catfish in that backwater. They were livings creature and they swam looking an exit that did not exist. I thought! It is now that I full my scupper. I caught to the hook and iscas and came back quickly to the such dammed water well. It placed the hook almost inside of the mouth of the fish and was alone to fisgar.
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