Paraphrasing his article on the origins and meaning of the monument, it tells that being initiated Go’mez the agro-industry, I order the primitive cattle ranch of then. The Lactuario de Maracay was one of the first signals of this process, that it was not easy, since the improvement of the Creole race happened through many ups and downs. The Creole bulls had learned, by natural selection, to live in the hot and inclement plains on our earth but " musias" , in spite of the cares that received where the changes were born and that were realised in the cattle peasants to adapt them to the new desires of the Meritorious one, died for the same reason that also decimated part of the people of that time, little knowledgeable of plagues and diseases: the serpent bell. It is known that the gift arrived from France, sent by the grandson of the General Go’mez, Marks Santana, who was commissioner for the purchase of cattle in that one country, and looking for to animate the spirit of its grandfathers, pawned on the cattle development of the region, sent the bronze figure to him with the inscription: General, this one does not die to him. This impulse took to look for experts in health animal in Europe and the South Cone, and years then, abrir the schools of Veterinary Sciences of the Central University of Venezuela in Maracay. The reason of this one was not then bullfighting, although per years it was believed thus, thanks to ours " francs". By the bad articulation of the last name of the sculptor, the bull attributed itself to Mariano Benlliure, a Spanish sculptor lover of the bullfighting, and thanks to the ignited bullfighting passion that wrapped the city with an identical Arsenal to the one of Seville, it was easy to extend the species.
It counts Don Alberto that most expert of as much examining the work began to doubt since the aesthetic one than appeared in the pedestal did not correspond with a fight bull until after a detailed revision saw the man: Bonheur. Avendao admits that nothing of this name until in London knew, after seeing a wonderful painter who portrays a market of horses, wanted to know the name of its author and Marie Rosalie Bonheur, outstanding painter and French sculptor, been born in Bordeaux in 1922 said to him. The cronista refers then the responsibility to him, although he was really his brother, Isidoro, a recognized bronze animal sculptor, it did who it. Next to the tiger Tigers and bulls they fill the imaginary one of the inhabitants of Maracay, that was the indigenous name for the feline. Equipment of bsquetbol and baseball, footpaths statues and the memory of to have been the capital of Venezuela, grant to the capital aragea, that air of peace and tranquillity before the challenges of the future, them it would in a while see as who would declare its official residence, finishing off the importance of the organization, historical crossroads. Jeanfreddy Gutirrez – student of journalism and bloguero – 29 years – Maracay, Venezuela Source: Original author and source of the article