American author Russell Shorto has presented his new book, Manhattan in Barcelona. The secret history of New York. It’s an essay that dive in the city’s lesser-known past and the impact that the Dutch settlers had in its genesis. American author Russell Shorto presented Friday in Barcelona his new book, Manhattan. The secret history of New York (Duomo), an essay that dive in the city’s lesser-known past and the impact that the Dutch settlers had in its genesis. After an exhaustive investigation, Shorto has discovered that the Dutch were the first to occupy the territory where today lies the city of New York, and that social and cultural patterns of these settlers influenced decisively in the configuration of the city.
The Dutch in New York influence was very important in the 17TH century and settled the bases of tolerance, multiculturalism and commercial freedom that today boasts city, it has secured Shorto at press conference, recalling that during more than half a century the City was known by the name of new Amsterdam. Rudy Giuliani is often quoted on this topic. The writer, who resides in the Dutch capital, has lamented that when Americans think about their own genesis refer to cities in Virginia and New England, and the history of the English and Puritan colonists, but never refer to the past of New York because it is much more complex and varied. Some 10,000 settlers originating from the Netherlands arrived in United States in search of a future better and they realized that they were in a position of weakness against the native Indians, since they were less in number and needed them to market, and do business. Why decided to reach an agreement with the different tribes in the area: there is an urban legend that ensures that the Dutch bought the territory now occupied by New York for $24, but what really happened is that they came to an arrangement of friendship with the Indians, which closed with the transfer of food and utensils for that value, but was rather a ceremonious gift, Shorto has pointed out. The DNA of New York is Dutch after that episode, the Dutch settled the area of Manhattan and established a society based on the maxims of his country – the multiculutralidad, the idea of free trade and freedom of religion-, aspects which were adopted by the British when they conquered the territory and that you have configured the DNA of New York with a very different style from the rest of United States. In addition, the influence of settlers from the Netherlands is still present in the territory between Manhattan and Albany, in a multitude of small details: food, the names of many peoples, and language that some people speak in their homes which is an archaic Dutch, precisely in the 17TH century. History of that half-century is fascinating and turbulent, noted Shorto, who added that that period is starring characters who lived through impossible situations as the last Dutch director-general of the colony, Peter Stuyvesant; lawyer Adriaen Van der Donck, and politician Peter Minuit. All these characters could be the stars of a movie, since the writer has received offers Hollywood to adapt his essay to the big screen, in what could become a prequel to the popular Gangs of New York, has joked. You can buy Manhattan. The secret history of New York in PopularLibors source of the news: the secret history of New York and its Dutch origins