OPPOSITIONS: Are the tests usually convened by the public bodies of the Central Administration, autonomous and Local. This alternative of access to employment has its advantages:-personal attitudes and physical presence are not so important. -The offered stalls offer some security. But also, despite what one thinks, have their difficulties:-hardness testing of access. -Large number of competitors/ACE. -It takes a long time to prepare the agendas. It must also be weighed against other aspects, such as the number of reserved seats for the / male and female staff/interns as, the yardstick (evaluation of previous labor activity in similar bodies of the Administration, courses, etc.). Considers, however, that, according to estimates, at least one third of the / as opponents as not usually present at the end and some of the / as presented will retest fortune or to see how are oppositions.

Don’t forget that you it’s a competition where only tend to succeed the / better prepared as / as, which often do not tend to be the most intelligent, but the most consistent. The user must analyze the pros and cons of this alternative, and if you choose to submit it, do so with decision and prepare with great tenacity topics. We are going to propose some guidelines which, in our view, can you be useful. Oppositions to the administration bodies convene every year through a public offer of employment (OPE) which is usually published in the official State Bulletin (BOE). You can consult these newsletters in libraries, official centres, town halls, etc. You can also resort to the guide of the opponent or to specific sections of some newspapers. In each call is indicated (opposition, contest or competition) selection system, type testing (syllabus, tests,), requirements of the / as candidates and dates as well as the place and form of applications submitted. One of the main aspects It is the preparation of the agenda, that the person can prepare it the same or acquire in academies or specialized centres which often provide support and guidance through specific courses. In the case of unable to attend to them, you can resort to specialized centres that prepare courses distance on the themes and strategies for dealing with these tests.