Minutes before audicionar, the conductor of the program one goes to all the participants and it indicates to us that by no concept they will accept juniors (I needed only a month to have 18). I went to speak personally with him and hopelessly I said to him that I would fulfill the majority of age in a month and he said to me: that decides the jury. Soon everything a day of delay, was my turn. I walked until the platform and I began to sing in front of the jury and all the other participants (I believe that my legs could not be shaking more).While I sang I see that one of the judges indicates something in my list (my age) and marks to an X that was the aim on that attempt. Again, frustration. I had the enormous one opportunity to go a year to live to the United States to a family house. I went to study and to learn English.

I studied a year in a public school and there I looked for the way to enter the choral group. I did thus it and it was to me rather well. When returning country, gives the information me that another one of the great television channels will make hearing for another one reality show of singers. As you will be able to suppose, I was That day made hearing general and the same night they checked the second post with the classified ones of the day. I had chance to arrive at that second opportunity. Again, very many nerves, hunger, chills, etc. Would select to 10 people to enter in the program and 6 substitutes (in case something happened to the 10 first).After several hours of delay in the cold audience, it is my turn, and also in this opportunity it is called on to me to audicionar not only in front of the jury, but also in front of all competitors.