Elite High School

Our reality shows to professionals rather high requirements. These criteria are currently not restricted amount of knowledge and skills, the development of which was targeted previously established educational system. In modern society, demand different potentials, the citizens, that will not only have knowledge but, above all, to think in new ways. The ideal solution for such a paradigm – a school board, which young people are not only able to get some sector of information within the program, although, of course, and it is also extremely important. It should be noted that, in this kind of high school students, due to the fact that permanently rotate in a decent environment, receive the bulk complex social behavior skills. In other words, they accept certain rules of the game, do not kill time for transportation home from school and back. Protected from the negative impact of the unworthy companies, and in addition are able to broadly and creatively communicate with young people worthy of attention. It is worth recalling the historical evidence – all the best people of the state always – credit school boarding houses.

This applies to all types of elites. This is because in Europe, a similar phenomenon was in tsarist Russia. This is natural since high school board itself has not only allows you to absorb a large amount of scientific knowledge, but also provides an opportunity to learn independence, to acquire the necessary life skills. And it is very important. Private high school board is designed for elite formation. This is the essence of the phenomenon of private school board. In a private school nor children, nor parents are faced with a large number of students in the group, because in this situation, the teacher and with a sincere desire may not appeal to any child. Private schools Pensions several times more extensive training programs – because of the fact that each child gets enough not only information but also a lot of attention.

Every pupil learns at least two, if not more, languages of other countries, as well as, for example, is implemented in one of the model institutions of this level – High School Elite, what is deservedly one of the supposed model of private schools of the state in the former USSR. Director of Elite High School, Kavelin Nina, for many years to communicate with colleagues from the UK, sharing of experiences. This is understandable: the owners of boarding school are forced to be sent to places where historical terms of elite high schools were not interrupted, as we have in the state. All private schools operate hostels in performance critical task: not only to give the student knowledge, but also to raise him. Only education in law considered the most important result. Pupils with high intellectual potential, can afford to implement their own abilities, and those who have more clearly manifested creative inclinations, able to implement these talents. It is crucial that the high school board allows to realize the maximum potential of the young person to implement the choice of a profession based on their opportunities, rather than fashion trends. As a result, have the greatest likelihood much as possible.

Far East

For prolonged storage in the package is not observed losses Nitrogen – chemical fertilizers. Environmentally friendly sapropel no adverse toxic effects on humans and animals – the date of payment and methods of sealing sapropel in the soil do not differ on the timing and methods of making other organic fertilizer – when you make sapropel “scattered” over the area before plowing nitrogen loss is not observed even after prolonged delay plowing – sapropel has a long useful aftereffect equal, at least 3-4 years. At application rates of 15-20 kg per square meter duration of sapropel can be traced to 14 years. – When you make sapropel in the soil – it improves its mechanical structure, and moisture-holding desiccant ability of 2-3 year yields an increase in soil humus, activates soil processes. Due to the slow solubility of the active substances in sapropel balanced diet provides all the elements of plant supply. – Introduction of sapropel increases the yield of grain crops, vegetables and root vegetables 15%, sugar beet, in 40%, increases the number of proteins and protein products in the crop.

In addition, the dry flour from the sapropel used as a preservative during storage harvest of potatoes, vegetables and fruits. Stocks sapropel in Russia of billions of tons. The main focus of the territorial dominion of notes central regions and the Far East. Technology for producing fertilizer from sapropel include the extraction of natural raw materials of natural moisture dredgers or special equipment on the lakes, delivering it to the shore, dehydration up to a certain humidity to further granulation and drying. Types of fertilizers produced from sapropel can be a loose, granular and liquid form. The most common types of products – loose and granular sapropel. Solid sapropel use at point and area making for crop production, urban greening, a breakdown of parkland, recreation and natural forms of small park landscape.

The largest fraction of bulk sapropel is used for reclamation of desert lands, landfills, dumps, etc. The greatest effect of the bulk sapropel krupnofraktsionnogo can be obtained by extensive use of it. Granular sapropel has a long acting properties of the plants and fertilizers used for growing vegetables, flowers, cereals and root crops. It is the most rational for long-distance transport, heavy use of land in the collection of several harvests per year. Appropriateness of this or that kind of sapropel-specific soil and farmland is defined agro-technical calculations and economic performance impact from this application. Used for packaging of fertilizer – open and valve bags, corrugated boxes, plastic buckets, plastic bags, soft containers (big bags). In the wholesale distribution network and to export sapropel comes packaged in bags and big bags under the European standard – in film or termousadnoy packaged under the customer’s order. In Retail sapropel packed into a smaller container for 2, 5, 10, 15 and 50 kg. For deliveries in bulk sapropel focuses on the conservation properties of this type of fertilizer to transport and store. Characteristic parameters that affect the pricing of fertilizers sapropel, it is ash, the amount of organic matter and moisture. In addition to the use of sapropel as a fertilizer for cultivation of agricultural products, it is used in international practice and as pochvoobrazovatel ameliorator (rekultivant) to restore damaged land man-caused, recreating the productivity of soils in erosional effects, radiation contamination, exhaustion. Sapropel allows you to create oases in the desert, to increase the yield of 2-2.5 times, the transfer of lands unsuitable for the discharge of abandoned crops in high-level.

Graduated Physical Education

Graduated Physical Education for the University of the South of Santa Catarina in the year of 2008. CONCEPTION OF INFANCY the conception of infancy of the current days is well different of some centuries behind. It is important to point out that the vision that if has of the child is something historically constructed, therefore is that if it can perceive the great contrasts in relation to the feeling of infancy in elapsing of the times. What today it can seem an aberration, as the indifference destined to the small child, has centuries behind was something absolutely normal.

For bigger queerness that if it causes, humanity nor always saw the child as a being in particular, and for to much she treated it time as an adult in miniature. Of a being, of small account almost imperceptible, the child in a secular process occupies a bigger prominence in the society, and the humanity launches it a new to look at. To understand this question better she is necessary to make a historical survey on the infancy feeling, to look definiz it, to register its sprouting and its evolution. According to Aries: The infancy feeling does not mean the same that affection for the children, corresponds to the conscience of the infantile particularitity, this particularitity that distinguishes essentially the child from the adult, exactly young (Aries, 1978: 99). In this perspective the infancy feeling is something that the child characterizes, its essence while to be, its way to act and to think, that it is differentiated of the one of the adult, and therefore deserves a more specific look. In the Average Age it did not have clarity in relation to the period that characterized infancy, many if they based for the physical question and determined infancy as the period that goes of the birth of teeth until the seven years of age, as shows the citation of the description made for Le Grand Propritaire (Aris, 1978: 6).

Maria Sampaio

She is necessary to rescue and to keep the value of the education, the art and the artistic culture that the martial band offers. The choice of the subject if interrelates with my formation, therefore at the time of school I touched in martial band during ten years and lived deeply of close the martial band rescuing many colleagues who wanted to follow for other ways, such as: the way of the drugs, prostitution, of the pertaining to school abandonment, between as much other points and, at the moment where the martial band was present, these people had followed and chosen an adjusted way more, of the social point of view. Today, if they not only find in professional groups of Recife, but also in professional groups of Brazil and it are of Brazil. Today I have some colleagues contemporaries of the martial bands who are musicians of the Band of the Military Policy of Pernambuco, Band of the Aeronautics of Recife, Symphonic Band of Recife, Band of Music of neighboring Cities, among others formations of musical groups. Prime Opportunities Investment Group has firm opinions on the matter. From the story above, some questionings had been made and them they had guided this work. It is possible to make a survey of the social, educational and artistic formation of the pupils whom the Martial Band of the Municipal School composes Maria Sampaio de Lucena? It has, in the current days, a social, educational and artistic paper, in the martial band Maria Sampaio de Lucena? The objective of this monograph was to characterize the social, educational and artistic value of the martial band of the Municipal School Maria Sampaio de Lucena, as well as to analyze the process of musical formation of the pupils in the environment of the band, to understand the function of the band in the social environment, educational e, over all to reflect the exploitation of the artistic values of the band.

Educational Advice

In this direction, if it propitiates to the professor the accomplishment of a teaching work of quality and makes possible the reflection, the contextualizao and the transformation of the process teach-learning. Concluding, the theory guarantees the theoretical recital and consequentemente, it makes possible to the trainee the agreement of the structure and the functioning of the school. However, the practical one only makes possible the reflection on the act, becoming it intentional and conscientious. It is by means of this relation between practical theory and that the professional acquires the ability technique, basic for the professional exercise. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES BRAZIL. CNE.

CEB. RESOLUTION CEB n. 2, OF 19 OF APRIL OF 1999. It institutes Curricular Lines of direction for the Formation of Professors of the Infantile Education and the initial years of Basic Ensino, in average level in the Normal modality. 1999.

Spaniard Professor

The context contemporary in which the formation of professors occurs, in the diverse areas of performance and mainly of foreign language (LE), has demanded the preparation of professionals with diverse abilities and abilities enable that them to act in a globalizado and full world of uncertainties. Critical, reflective, ethical, independent professionals, that, beyond reflecting on its function in the society and understanding the social game and politician whom the education involves, also they can act as transforming agents of the problems contemporaries. The question that directs this inquiry is: The professors in formation of Spaniard as Foreign Language of the University of the State of the Bahia Campus V if feel prepared to answer the educational demands contemporaries? We leave of the hypotheses that the professors in formation present difficulties in articulating the theoretical corpus the practical one, beyond passing more time during the course looking for to assimilate ready ideas not presenting and developing its proper ideas. In this way, the objective of this work is to identify the difficulties that the pupils in formation face at the moment to act as professors and not more as pupils and to contribute for the reflection on the challenges that involve the formation of the professor of E/LE in the respective institution. The study method will be hypothetical the deductive one evidencing the importance of the use of quanti-qualitative methodologies as a form to get a more refined agreement of the object in analysis: questionnaire. This study if it bases on the PCNs (2000), in the theories of Almeida Son (1999), Paraquett (2009), Lopes Underbrush (1996), Peter Demon (2004), Edgar Morin (2000).From the results of this inquiry it will be possible to rethink eventual distanciamentos between imagined in the resume and the carried through one in the rooms of the Campus in analysis..

Internet Work

In recent years, term papers, dissertations to order, it is truly massive phenomenon. As they say demand creates supply. And now in every city (especially in Moscow and St. Petersburg) has several agencies (and sometimes more), offering their services in the field of education. Not far behind, in turn, and the Internet, permitting its users to request "coursework to order" dozens of companies and agencies. List of services of such agencies is quite broad: monitoring, laboratory work, essays, responses to examination questions, and of course writing projects and dissertations. Many people think that the work of agencies to implement student work is not much difficulty: I wrote two days coursework, took the money and takes the order.

Probably so well for those agencies that do their job is not qualitatively and are responsibility for the outcome. And here I want to say a few words about the work of artists and those who work with customers, taking orders. Artists work student work – work (this applies to those who really makes a responsible and qualified coursework, dissertations, etc.) and work very difficult. Looking for information on the work, going to libraries to find the right literature, but what about when to work to alter what happens in almost every second case. Each teacher their demands for the implementation of coursework, research paper or abstract. I can cite an example, one girl turned into a center for implementation of student work, to do an abstract. Abstract, so abstract.

One of the artists started to work, take into account all the requirements of the teacher, did. The girl was ready abstract. A week later she again came back and said that the teacher wants to see in this and that and design must now be more different from the previous requirement. Altered. But all is not over, she came more times three. And so is very, very often. Is also so that the work of artist did, got paid for it and everything seems ok, but after some time the customer comes and says we should work to change, the teacher does not like. The mediator (someone who receives an order from the customer) refers to this very artist and says that it is necessary to change, and singer – refused. What should I do? Return the money back to the client? Then it struck the image of the agency. We have to look for another artist, to pay extra to him that he remade. In this case, already the agency will spend its money for this procedure. Well, with careless performer, certainly have to part. Those who work directly with customers, too easy. You understand – people are different.

Send a child to the British boarding school – it's a tough decision, because he will be in a foreign country, away from family and friends. However, training in the uk provides an opportunity not only to improve the English language and get an education in Europe's oldest schools, but also provides a real chance to go to the famous universities of Cambridge and Oxford. Moreover, the British education is recognized in other countries, so completing a training course in England, you can aspire to, for example, at Harvard. Of course, the British school diploma does not guarantee that your child will grow out of the new Nobel laureate, but in general education in England is aimed at sided development of personality and helps the child to realize their full potential in art, sport and science. And apart from the oldest educational institutions for centuries bringing the elite of the United Kingdom, there are many other schools, where prices are more affordable and the quality of education remains high. Therefore, training in England enjoys a well-deserved popularity among students from different countries around the world.

However, despite all these advantages, send the child to another country is not easy. Not a bad decision – to start to send him to summer language courses, and only then decide whether to undergo a full training in England. Many boarding schools during the vacations offer such programs for foreigners: anyone can go for a certain fee language teaching in England, learn the culture of the country and immerse yourself in the language. And if the courses are organized that school to which you plan to send the child for further education, he can feel all the pros and cons of their future studies. And, of course, to tighten English – before it enters it's just necessary. I must say that such courses are organized, not all schools, and most of the proposed language programs are held in special training centers. However, among those who still offer such training in England, many respected and prestigious educational institutions. For example, Bradfield College, founded in 1850, organizes every summer courses lasting 2, 3 or 4 weeks. It should be noted that foreigners are willing to take on continuous training in England. Thus, the average British private schools are gaining up to 10% of students from abroad, and Bradfield, this number increased to 15%.

Danish Language

In result is a so-called "urban language", which is a kind of symbiosis of Danish and Norwegian languages. "Language City" in the different layers of the population has varying degrees of "norvegezirovannosti. Some Norwegian writers in their works in the Danish language Norwegian language use. In 1811, after the formation of a national university in the city of Oslo, formerly called Christians, here in Copenhagen shifted the center of Norwegian intellectuals. And in 1814 Norway seceded from Denmark, and began to develop independently literary Norwegian. It appears the deviation from the Danish language in grammar and vocabulary secured a growing number of native Norwegian words. By 20 century, their number is approximately 7000.

As for the speech, the Danish and Dano-Norwegian language, there are significant differences. By the end of 19 century called "Dano-Norwegian" is replaced by the "Norwegian", which is also called "riksmol. Spelling riksmola for a long time, Danish, but attempts are made to its approach to the Norwegian. In 1907 and 1917 Reforms, whose task is to approximate the pronunciation of letters and Norwegian. "Language City" is not a large part of the Norwegian peasantry.

Thus, in the mid-19 century I. Fall, Norwegian philologist, used to study dialects of the peasants, had the idea of revival of native Norwegian literary language based on a "live" dialects, and in the Old Norse language. The language he called "landsmol. AND initially he was given the fall in the form of samples in 1853. Over time, landsmol "became popular among the peasants and the" populist "intellectuals.

Pierre Dance

Professor Joe Temple de Matemtica, selecting that not to give many chances for pupils below of its ideal standard. does not understand the work developed for Dulaine and requests the director a meeting with the parents of the pupils who are of the detention with the end of finally the dance lessons. For evaluating them irrelevant for the cognitivo development of the young. However during the Pierre meeting it convinces those parents, who the dance can help its children to construct its proper confidence, respect, responsibility and if to move away from the drugs. All had trained myth and are very anxious for the great day of the competition, the group spirit is strong and some had demonstrated for taking clothes without same being tax made that it. Then it arrives the Day the pairs compete in some types of hall dance as: waltz, foxtrote, rumba and tango. In the night Rock who really demonstrates is makes its choices not to participate of those crimes and to confess the director who it had depredated its car. They do not gain trophies, but valuable lies on pride, respect and honor.

the lessons that were a work volunteer becomes a program for many schools of the city of New York. RELATION BETWEEN the FILM AND SOME CONCEPTS CONSTRUTIVISTAS In the film ' ' It comes danar' ' we can detach some personages who by means of new knowledge, its strategies, understanding and interpretation of the reality had had certain positions that it allows in them to make the linking between its action and important concepts of the construtivista theory. At the first moment we detach the position of the director who used a methodology with traditional traces, imposing rules that would have to be followed, is verified, however, that the pupils obeyed or them rules imposed for the director demonstrating the presence of the heteronmia and these rules did not enter in the criterion for the moral judgment of the pupil, for not perceiving the reasons of being of these rules (laws).