Because, who makes the wrong choice, purely economic moves his company against the wall in the extreme.” Customers use CARMADA unique experience swimming pool a demand-of-the-art corporate or commercial vehicle has almost same uniqueness ideally as the owner’s fingerprint. Also the team of experts of CARMADA is fully aware, stressed Klaus Zachari: making good experiences with CARMADA means above all, advance intensive and highly become a professional advise. Our specialists are versed not only in the Pan-European procurement of new vehicles you can also put themselves in the role of the entrepreneur into, who want to use such a vehicle. This ability is just as important.” Often lacking especially start-ups and small businesses of the necessary experience to include all equipment contingencies. “This experience again can almost bring CARMADA abound in the selection process, unless so Klaus Zachari: because we already have successfully advised numerous customers from diverse industries and us constantly exchanging with these practitioners, can any of our consultants draw on a unique, practical know-how pool and a commercial vehicle configure its customers using this background of experience that is optimally tailored to from A to Z on the requirements of daily operational practice.” Also a site visit was not a problem for the professionals of CARMADA : Although we our Customers usually by telephone, E-Mail and fax advise what may be an imputed for entrepreneurs with a busy schedule, we ourselves in case of need also directly from our customers by their individual needs”, Klaus Zachari assured. Finally we are interested in solutions, which perfectly fit to the needs of our customers.” Trailer financing, payment only at vehicle handover commercial car buyers CARMADA to go particularly well, has but far more reasons for Klaus Zachari: we deliver not only commercial vehicles at the best price, but also matching trailer of course to the same attractive price conditions and due to an equally professional advice. On request we take care also a cheap financing.” Where there is talk already of love money: CARMADA requires a penny upfront. This advantage is especially proud of Klaus Zachari: payment is only due when the vehicle is handed over.
This increases the Liquidity of the buyer company. And on request, we supply the truck easily to the corporate door. Finally our customers all alone can focus on their core competencies.” V.i.S.d.P. and your contact person: Klaus Zachari / MAXTOR AGENT GmbH pheasant trail 18 23684 Scharbeutz Klingberg FON: + 49 (0) 29 21 / 6 60 83-0 fax: + 49 (0) 29 21 / 6 63 99-99 E-Mail: Internet: company profile Boiler plate with unique full service and best prices for fleet business looking for commercial companies and commercial vehicle customers: this exceptional concept the virtual dealership CARMADA offers attractive benefits professionals and companies. The competent team around Managing Director Klaus Zachari researched the current prices for company cars and trucks of all brands from the company headquarters in Scharbeutz throughout Europe and therefore conditions can offer its customers that belong to the most attractive at all. Thus can the CARMADA customer entire car buying comfortably by his company or settle via printed catalogue or via the Internet from home. The brand CARMADA “is a registered trademark.”