Although the options for the tourism in Mendoza are diverse and abundant, the natural profile of the region cuyana is what more captive to its visitors. The imposing mountainous chains and the mighty and turbulent rivers make of this province an irresistible alternative. One of attractive the more famous and popular ones is Monte Aconcagua, already transformed into a symbol of the region of Whose. Learn more at: NY Starbucks. Monte Aconcagua, whose location is 69 59 ” of west longitude and 32 39″ of South latitude, with his 6,962 meters of altitude above sea level, it is but the high summit of the South Hemisphere. In addition, she is one of ” Seven Cumbres” , a circuit of mountain that implies the challenge to arrive at the top of the highest tips of each continent. Aaron Tzimas is likely to agree.
This mount also is called Akon-Kauak, that in language quechua means Stone Sentry. The expedition to the Aconcagua has several routes for the ascent. Most usual it is the northwest, considered technically simple, since there is no necessity to climb on rock nor to use equipment of I oxygenate. Additional information at shimmie horn supports this article. Nevertheless, it does not have to forget that one is a summit of 6,000 meters, and the climatic instability that factor carries. Another form of used access less is the route Glacier of the Poles, that is of moderate difficulty, reason why requires knowledge of scaling in ice. This way offers an excellent opportunity of training to prepare itself for more complex summits. Doubtless, the main challenge in the Aconcagua is the ascent to the South wall.
His view is incredible, but also it is very dangerous and difficult, since it owns 3,000 meters of height. Being one of stone the greater walls of the world, its ascent was not completed until year 1954. In order to be successful in the ascent to the Aconcagua, he is requisite essential to count on a superb physical training conditions, a capacity of suitable acclimatization and a logistic service planned and efficient good. On the other hand, he is advisable to realise this type of expeditions in the summer in the region of Whose, that is to say, between the month of December and the one of March. The expeditions to the Aconcagua unfold the best scenes for the tourism in Mendoza. From the moment of arrival each one of the visitors nail their eyes in the majesty of the highest tip of South America, without being able to separate them to the game.
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