Classy spend the evening of life, of every person dreams. Hardly a person would voluntarily be deported in a nursing home. Every second person has fear of ‘Age’. Nursing homes should really ensure that there lacks the needy nothing. Extra, many families are looking for their parents a very expensive health care facility. They believe that their relatives in an expensive retirement home is well supplied.

Unfortunately, that is not so in most cases. Just in nursing homes/care homes expensive not also equally good care means. It happens very often, just helpless patients with drugs to be sedated. So they do not work and the nursing home collected much money without really touching the patient to deal with. Care Dienst24, has focused on the 24-hour care. The partner who provides the care workers, has only experienced nursing staff under contract. The caregivers come from Poland and are perfectly legal in Germany. For all caregivers Sick verse, verse of liability, accident verse.

and all social security contributions paid. The nurses are 24 hours at the care people and take care of all the activities incurred. The company care offers respite care, as well as long term care. This type of care is a cost-effective alternative to nursing homes and the elderly person, will remain in their familiar environment. More and more senior citizens or their family members decide exactly for these reasons for a service in your own four walls. Seniors who are lovingly provided in familiar surroundings, stay even longer mentally fit and have a dignified retirement despite some limitations. Services: senior care 24-hour nursing care for elderly M.O.Belding settlement way 1 28844 Weyhe Tel: 04203-440515 mobile: 0172-9579650 Web: