Scientology enables humans, responses and solutions to find for each a higher awareness and spiritual freedom mean Scientology is a religion in the deepest and most traditional sense of the word. It deals with the full recovery of the spiritual essence of man – his skills, his consciousness and the certainty of his immortality – and its relationship to the divine. And she shares the belief that the man is intended to bring about his redemption itself with many of the world’s oldest religions and that he fully understands his relationship to God or the creator only. The confession of faith of Scientology States that man basically is good and that his salvation of his fellow men and depends on by himself, that he achieved a fraternal relationship with the universe. In contrast to other efforts to help the people, attempts to solve his problems for him, Scientology, it enables its Problems to solve themselves. Only he is so capable, self-determined life not only his own life, but also to others – his friends, successfully helping his family and all those he encountered in everyday life -. Scientology enables humans, responses and solutions to find for each a higher awareness and spiritual freedom mean, and society progress in tackling their biggest problems: drugs, illiteracy, crime, violence and intolerance. Scientologists put the answers that they find in their religion, in many areas of society into practice.
Scientology churches are therefore also starting a variety of different social programs, in which committed members apply their acquired knowledge, to help their fellow human beings. Although most people certainly believe that they should emphasize religion more in their lives the aspect, very few pursue the exercise of their religion as Scientologists, so engaged. During hours of training or of so-called auditing (Chaplaincy) they spend the week often several hours per day in their church, five days and over a period of several weeks. The founder of the Scientology – L. Ron Hubbard – mid March 1955 wrote the following quote: “until man not clearly understand what man is and has a science over humanity, he will continue to fight, punish and bad rule and it will be worse than it already is if no one accepts responsibility for.
Scientologists accept this responsibility. We know that this can be a better, more rational world”.
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