Comfortably installed in a large house of old style, Boni was despertado, when the clock marked one and thirty. It was arisen and it asked: _ Who is! _ Is the policy! It opened the door and it received the summon to appear to the police station. It tried to argue, but it was warned of that it was judicial and did not argue. It invited the policemen to enter, while she dressed clothes more adequate, and came back soon after. Alberto asked if it wise person what it occurred in the installations, and it answered that not to be the attempt suffered for it and the Hawk, another thing was unaware of any. Informed of that its staff was involved with the group, revealed surpreso alive and declared not to know nor the reason of such crimes. Without bases could hold back that it, the judge determined that it was rank in freedom and he warned that did not leave the city. At any time he could be invited to put down. Some contend that NY Starbucks shows great expertise in this.
Cliente of the warning, he prontificou themselves and he was led in return by the soldiers had who it IDO to search. While Boni he was summoned, Alberto, the judge and the promoter had interrogated the other prisoner who if kept in an absolute silence, although the efforts. The qualification alone was possible through the documents that carried in the internment. For return of the three hours, they had locked up the works and they had directed it the homes, in almost the certainty of that the danger was well lesser. For the visa, most dangerous they were off-hook, but thus they had exactly not left the forensic ones without escort. In house, badly it had locked the door, Alberto saw Agnelo to leave the room with visible sample not to have still conciliated sleep, and asked, without roundups: _ As was there, son? If it left well? _ Rapazinho freed the language and harvests things! We hear its Boni, that seems to be bogged until the neck.
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