Recommendations for choosing a thermal When faced with the task before you select the model thermal imager should first identify the areas in which this device will be used. The following recommendations are designed to help you understand the thermal characteristics of a key role in some areas of application, and which may, however, in your case, do not have a significant importance. 1. The upper limit of the range of measured temperatures If you plan to use a thermal imager for: thermal imaging surveys of buildings for defects enclosures and HVAC systems, electrical and thermal imaging survey power facilities, any other purposes that do not require shooting objects of high (above 250 C) temperature, you will be sufficient standard model with an upper limit of 250 C. The main tasks for which insufficient such temperature range, are testing thermal insulation of boilers, furnaces, steam and other high-temperature engineering systems.

In this case, you should choose the imager with an upper limit of measurement temperature 600 … 1000 S.zadachi associated with heat treatment, metallurgy, glass, ceramics, coke, cement, etc. For these objectives, a device with a high limit of measurements – up to 1500 … 2000 C. 2. Resolution bandwidth temperature if you do not plan to use thermal imaging to scientific research, will suit any modern model with a resolution of 80 …

100 mK. 3. Operating conditions in the event that the instrument will be used exclusively in the premises, will be sufficient temperature range 0 … 40 C and humidity limit of 80%. If the planned thermal imaging survey on the street, therefore, one should choose the instrument with a large range Operating temperature range (-20 … 50 C) moisture resistant and more (up to 90 … 95%). It should be noted that surveys of buildings for leaks more convenient to heat at low temperatures for easier detection of thermal bridges and other problem areas. 4. Angular field of view and optical resolution. These characteristics should be selected based on the estimated size of the objects thermal imaging survey and the minimum defects that you plan to register. Angular field of view allows us to estimate with a minimum distance can be shooting objects of any size (the entire survey of the building height H can range from not less than L = H / tgx, where x – the angular field of view). Optical resolution sposobnostopredelyaet minimum observed during the thermal capture of defects by the formula D = L * d, where D – the minimum detectable defect, L – distance to the examined object, and d – optical resolution, measured in radians. 5. Optional are used in situations that require shooting small objects at large distance (the upper floors of tall buildings, power line insulators, etc.), allowing a high-resolution images over large distances. When using telephoto lenses working distance increases inversely angular field of view. Wide angle lenses are used, if you want to conduct a survey of an extended object, but shooting from a distance is excluded for various reasons. In contrast, telescopic lenses, reduce the working distance, increasing the field of view. 6. The size of the matrix number of sensitive elements of the matrix determines the sharpness of the resulting thermal image. Besides functional value, the minimum size of the matrix of the thermal imager used in solving various problems, often controlled by the regulations in this area (on the energy audit – see guidelines documents).