The emergence of holistic education is rooted in the need of the human being to transcend, to reach more found in the simple way of living, that need to discover your very nature, of your relentless pursuit toward the spiritual. Prior to this, our paradigm locked us up in a short, limited knowledge, in a conception of the world in terms only of fragmentation and systematic processes, and irregular objectives. But there is something even more fundamental that makes something special holistic education, something that manifests itself in all levels of human consciousness; holistic education is transdisciplinary, i.e. integrates total way, not only the scientific disciplines, but all those aspects that surround the human being and that they have always been part of the culture, arts, traditions, literature, etc., resulting in a global knowledge integration, this makes our vision of life, change completely. Holistic education uses a perspective multilevel multidimension to develop a model oriented to the integration of different levels and dimensions of the educational experience. Defines five levels of all I believe that mandatory so we must begin to talk about what is spirituality, because this is the basis of education for the 21st century. We will be brief in the description of it, more than anything the aim is to have an ideageneral of this concept.
The holistic paradigm can not related to religious beliefs, dogmas or rituals. Religion, as dogmatic and manipulative institution of the ideologies of human groups, has no place in the holistic vision. For its part, spirituality is something that we cannot deny, is the consciousness of ourselves within the world and the universe, is the essential nature of the human being, which is capable of perceiving it beyond belief, dogmas and institutions. The perennial philosophy tells us that our essence is pure spirituality, pure consciousness, is the discovery of our true essence.
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