Tomorrow starts the race of the primary Socialists in France with the opening of term for the nominations. In other words: in the next few days we will know which leaders and barons of the French Socialist Party (PS) struggle to become candidate of the left and rival Nicolas Sarkozy for the presidential elections of 2012 very low hours. Moreover: from among the Group of people who give the step forward the French politician, meets today and according to polls, more possibilities to become the year that comes in from the French President. From tomorrow it will start the campaign (and the battle) of applicants and will be a long year full of speculation, dark scores, feints and alliances under rope left behind. Also of planetary scope political cataclysms: Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the Socialist leader favorite to overcome in these primaries, accused of attempted rape, will your boot in his luxury apartment in New York, where he spends the days locked up, preparing your Defense and playing endless games of chess at a distance with its iPad tablet. Source of the news:: Socialists give the battle of primaries to Nicolas Sarkozy.
French Socialist Party
Posted by SalvadorFeb 22
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