Garden fountains – fountain source of recreation and relaxation history of fountain fountain originally served the vital drinking water production and supply. The oldest fountains go back to the stone age. At the time began as the man to settle down, caused countless such drinking water plants. Time and again, old fountains are found and are true treasure troves for archaeologists, because in them, many now historically significant for us things were lost. Not infrequently, things were preserved by deposited layers of sediment and thus completion of oxygen over the centuries.
Old pieces of pottery, jewelry and other commodities are invaluable sources of historical knowledge far past periods. But also the water layer helps that organics have been preserved, otherwise long would rot. Findings from animal and plant remains give conclusions on the former flora and fauna in this area. The recently recovered well from oak wood on the edge of the Brown coal open-cast mine Hambach in North Rhine-Westphalia with an age of about 7100 and 15 metres deep, the deepest from the stone age is originating well of Europe, discovered. The simple simple image of the fountain more and more towards the aesthetic evolved in the course of time. Fountain at the center of social life were from antiquity, through the middle ages to modern times. So, was considered in the middle ages the urban market fountain or the village fountain ornament and begat by the wealth of cities and municipalities.
Fountains were used not only for extracting pure water, but were increasingly becoming the ornamental fountain with love to detail. In the Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo such ornamental fountains and water games with lavish decoration reached its zenith. Large magnificent gardens created, where water played a special role. Renowned sculptor created huge works and realized their skills in countless fountains of the garden and parks. The garden fountains in more recent times fountain not only in parks are today and other public spaces to find. Increasingly also become a design element in private gardens fountain. With a garden fountain, it enhances his home and creates a harmonious ambience. Garden fountain stone, whose forms, sizes ranging from small and simple to large and expressive are very popular. Natural stone fountains are special design elements which draw everyone’s attention by her charisma and increase well-being in the garden. This well carved out of natural stones have to be made despite the current technological possibilities of stone still always mostly handmade. Just this craftsmanship makes each fountain and thus unique. Garden fountains are today made from different rocks. On the market you will find stone fountain mainly from granite, but also from basalt, sandstone or marble. Obtained by the enormous resistance to weathering of different rocks against aggressive environmental influences, a product that according to human standards has an almost unlimited life time. Ornamental fountains are offered with the corresponding holes for direct connection to a water supply and sewage or circulation system with a pump. Also the forms leave nothing more to be desired at the customer. Whether round, four or six. Each can be found in the rich offer. No matter, for which variant you choose. A fountain is an appreciation for the garden in any case, creates an idyllic atmosphere and is a place of sensuality and calm.
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