Employers Association and German University to develop the ‘ DIN SPEC 91020’ involved in employee health against the backdrop of the impending shortage becoming a decisive factor for the success of the company developed. This BGM is a management task that requires integration into the structure of a company. That requires a quality-oriented approach, which relies on standards. Particularly in the field of small – and medium-sized enterprises lacking yet often standardized, universal standards for own BGM concepts. Against this background, a working group of the German Institute for Standardization (DIN) e.

V. deals with a uniform standard for BGM in German companies since September, 2011. As a representative of German fitness and health industry, the employers Association of German fitness and health equipment (DSSV e. V.) was involved from the outset in the development of the DIN standard. With the German University of prevention and health management and their sister company, BSA-Akademie (www.dhfpg-bsa.de) are in This process also two educators with years of experience in terms of qualification for the growth market of prevention, fitness, sports and health integrated. According to the Federal Institute for occupational safety and health (BAuA) e.g. costs incurred alone in the year 2007 by outlandish production amounting to 40 billion euro, or costs due to unusual gross value of EUR 73 billion.

Despite this enormous economic importance, health promotion has not the importance that would be to him due to his relevance in the business environment in practice yet. Currently health promotion and prevention with around 4.5% make up only a small percentage of public and private health care spending. What was missing long time back the implementation of BGM, especially for small – and medium-sized companies within reach, is a single standard. With the development of an own DIN for the theme BGM by the German Institute for Standardization (DIN) e. V., therefore an important and forward-looking task is now shortly before her successful completion.