Strength / weakness analyses according to sales staff, products, regions, and periods through targeted analyses can be initiated short-term measures to enhance sales Horst / 03.06.2009 – for sales is more important than ever in the face of the current economic downturn a success control. With their Commission payroll system staff C / S therefore offers a solution the Nord-soft GmbH, which, can be used on its own purpose as a tool of efficient and timely distribution control. STAFF providing evaluations for specific C / S at any time to provide a current and accurate insight into the sales situation. So, quite easily differentiated analyses can be made through access to Commission data stored according to sales staff, products, regions and time periods. This creates the advantage for sales management, that are based on these evaluations short-term targeted measures of the Commission initiate, to the commitment of the sales staff, for example, for sales weak products In addition to increase. Such sales management methodologies are so naturally, so difficult is often in practice to implement, because lacking often for relatively prompt reactions to the conditions for the provision of appropriate information”, says the sales manager of Nord-soft, Peter Hohns.

On the CRM and accounting systems, such data not in the desired degree of differentiation may be made available. Through the historical data of the Commission accounts we know, however, always very exactly who sold product to what extent. This data can be netted then across the entire sales resources.” Control aspects C/S but significantly more helpful analyses are possible with the Commission system staff. So can be evaluation features relatively quickly, by the employees, who are the top performers. Just as the individual target agreements for certain periods of time can in this way or products be specifically tracked. Such analyses are not so easily be realised via other sales solutions”, judge Hanna. Even less such Commission solutions can meet this requirement, which are only part of a comprehensive software system. About broker solutions or insurance inventory systems include an integrated module to the Verprovisionierung.

There is also sometimes a trade representative accounting in ERP or accounting systems such functionalities. Rod can be used in all industries to the structured calculation and distribution of broker claims C / S. It offers the possibility to manage free and tenured employees, agents, franchisees, distributors, third party distributors and tipsters in unlimited tree depth and width. In addition, this Commission system through an integrated multi-client capability and optional separate billing option of individual structures within a client characterized. About Nord-soft: The company was founded over 20 years ago. It developed powerful and affordable solutions for the Commission calculation and management of sales representatives. Its customers include companies such as LBS, SEB, OVB, savings banks, etc. Through partnerships with leading manufacturers such as IBM and Fujitsu-Siemens is Nord-soft able, even complex projects from analysis, design, software development and hardware sales, financing, installation, professional training and the run-on side support. Agency think tank Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-72 fax: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-71