The delightful style of architecture in Barcelona the architecture in Barcelona is Barcelona tourist attractions as well as the museums most. It is not only thanks to Antoni Gaudi and his works such as the Sagrada Familia, but also due to the preservation of the many historic buildings from the middle ages. The following a little insight in the history is given the architecture in Barcelona, the small narrow streets of the Gothic quarter from the middle ages, the reforming of the city checkerboard format thanks to architect of Ildefona Cerdabis to the playful Art Nouveau of Antonis Gaudi. A major maritime power during the middle ages Barcelona already since the Kofoderation Catalonia Aragon was an important strategic city in the Mediterranean. Remains of this heyday, the Barri Gotic full institutional buildings (Palau de la Generalitat with the Church of Sant Jordi, Ajuntament, and Salo de cents), but also the Royal Castles (Palau Reial major, residence of the counts of Barcelona). To his Romanesque and Gothic estate,.
Barcelona is expecting also the Cathedral (Saint Eulalia dedicated three-nave, its crypt, built the monastery and its front between the end of the 18th century and beginning of the 20th century), the Church of Santa Maria del Mar (from the 14th century and is considered the jewel of Catalan Gothic style by the purity of its lines and the harmony of its proportions), not to mention many commercial buildings (Reials Drassanes: the greatest medieval shipyards in the world). The living conditions of the inhabitants within the borders of the wall of Barcelona made impossible the cearth utopia with the progress of the urbanization of the towns, to the wave of suburbs. Therefore, Barcelona should be performed a kompletteRenovierung and rehabilitation of buildings and in addition an extension of the city. For this, the engineer Ildefons Cerda1855 developed a project for the physical expansion of the city.
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