Among the most outstanding claims repeated the dnsa of the public health, electoral reform and the control of the banks, as well as the inclusion of feminism within the movement. After a little confusion with one of the spokesmen, the Commission’s communication has wanted to make clear that they are being pressured by the media and they have highlighted the importance of send a clear message and clean to prevent tampering. They have also summoned a concentration for tonight at 00.05 h against the bear and the Madrono consisting in a silent scream. You only need to carry a piece of electrical tape to cover your mouth as a vindication.

Prohibition of the Central Electoral Board with respect to the decision of the Central Electoral Board prohibit demonstrations during the day of reflection and on day 22, responsible for the 15-M movement takes the square have issued a statement in which ensure that no call has not been done or there will be no demonstration this weekendHowever, is likely to continue the exercise of collective reflection between attendees as has been happening the last days in spontaneous meetings. They ensure, in addition that the Assembly is not responsible for the opinions of the attendees. The Board’s decision has provoked a cto named among youth in Madrid and the camping of the Puerta del Sol has grown considerably in the early hours of Friday morning. Although the 15-M movement takes the square respects the decision of the JEC ensures that concentrates have no intention of leaving Sun, because they consider that they are not influencing the decision of citizens in exercising their right to vote. The question of what they will do if the police intervenes and attempts to evict them, one of the spokesmen of the concentrates has said that they are a peaceful movement so expect that everything unfolds peacefully..