“More than 21 million copies since the release of the bestselling ‘ Dianetics: A Guide to the human mind ‘ by L. Ron Hubbard, May 9, 2011 is the sixty-first anniversary of the publication of the book Dianetics: A Guide to the human mind”. L. Ron Hubbard had written one of the greatest self-help books of all time it appeared in 116 bestseller lists. “The popularity of the Lebensverbesserungs – and self-help book Dianetics: A Guide to the human mind” by L.
Ron Hubbard in the last six decades steadily grew. To meet this demand, the book has been translated into 50 languages and is today available in 165 Nations. It millions of Dianetics books have been sold more than 21 and appeared on 116 bestseller lists. “In the book Dianetics: the Guide to the human mind” L. Ron Hubbard wrote down his observations and the results of its research into the human mind. With the further researches in this field he entered after Recently the area of Scientology which deals not with the mind, but with the spiritual nature of man. The area originally as science increasingly entered the area of religion, which led to the founding of the religion 1954 Scientology and the first church.
Scientology churches and missions throughout the world commemorate this historic anniversary of Dianetics in the second week of May. Information about the history of the development of Dianetics are shown at these events by the time researchers and adventurers of L. Ron Hubbard. As the application of Dianetics method shows the international popularity and expansion of the Dianetikgruppen from New York to Nairobi, Boston to Bulawayo and Kansas City to Kaohsiung. In an essay with the title “My philosophy”, wrote L. Ron Hubbard: “The first principle of my philosophy is that wisdom for all who want to reach them, can gain. It is the servant of the King, as well as the and civil alike and should be regarded with AWE be. “L. Ron Hubbard continued to document his research on the mind, spirit and life in a total of 18 basic books. Thousands of other written materials and approximately 2,500 lectures describe Scientology. Books and audiobooks with embossed and laminated cover, as well as the entire CD production for all presentations in the own printing house in Copenhagen are created to be able to keep up with the demand for these materials and provide them all over the world. A further, new Centre with 17,000 square meters size in Los Angeles makes sure to print all magazines and information materials for all Scientology churches, missions and groups around the world and distribute. These centres include the largest print-on-demand printing service of the world, which is able to produce 500,000 books and 925.000 CDs ready for delivery per week. Millions of people have started exactly the adventure, that of L. Ron Hubbard in his book Dianetics: the guide of the human Mind”describes how to follow. You commit an adventure. Treat it like an adventure. And the same may be you never again.” Www.lronhubbard.org is an interactive and audiovisual overview of the life and works of L. Ron Hubbard. More information: press service of SK Bayern e.V. contact: Uta Eilzer, be Anichstrasse 12, 80802 Munchen, TEL. 089-38607-0, FAX. 089-38607-109 E-mail: WEB:
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