Bathing baby is the most important hygienic procedure. This is not just skin care, but also the first exercise, and the formation of a reflex – a clear distinction of the day and night. Swimming – it is also a complicated procedure for parents, requiring them special abilities. The first bath should be sufficiently small, light plastic. At the bottom may have special reliefs for laying the child. It must be remembered that the smaller size and depth of the bath, the faster will be abandoned. because very soon it will be small. You can bathe the child in the bathroom, if possible, or any other room.

Importantly – to set the tub absolutely stable. In the room where bathe the baby, there should be no draft. Leading in the bath must be at least 2 / 3 of its volume to a child in the bath was completely submerged in water. how to bathe the child. Up to six months , , , . The air temperature in the room for swimming must be at least 20 – 24 degrees and the water – 37. Bathe the child is best at night, before the next feeding on the regime, preferably about 21-22 hours to make him a reflex on the division of day and night.

Previously before swimming to prepare things for the child, such as a warm blanket, that after procedure to quickly cover it, not allowing hypothermia. Things should be warm. Bathe the child better off with an assistant. Baby should be carefully and slowly lower into the water, pre-measured water temperature, slowly put it back in, firmly supporting both his hands and under the buttocks. The baby's head should rest on your arm is bent bathing. Wash the baby on top-down approach. Head washed in a direction from front to back. Perineal region girls washed from the labia to the anus. The boys first washed with the genitals, and then the anus. Ends bathing rinse baby with clean warm water. It can be a bit colder bathing water in the bath, for example 36 degrees (in this case, swimming is considered an important tempering procedures). For all swimming should go about 10-15 minutes, the duration of the procedure depends on how it reacts child. For bathing, you can use running water, boil it in a centralized water supply is not needed. To wash, you can use baby soap and foam. Attention – modern detergents for children have codename soap and do not contain the drying skin irritants. Foam for swimming added to the bath a few drops, rinse with water after it is not required. Recall that the use of conventional, not special soap, dry skin, strengthens the baby, so use it as appropriate, not more than once in 7-10 days.