Prefabricated Wood houses and Houses: A natural option to live, interiors of wood The comfortableness, the quality of life and the return to the Nature are important preoccupations for which they acquire a single-family house. Many at the moment find the answer to these restlessness in a prefabricated wood house. Ecology and respect to the environment worry to the majority nowadays about the citizens. Between all the construction equipments, the wood is unique natural and the renewable one. The process of transformation of the wood for its use in the construction is well simple and needs very little energy we compared if it with the methods of obtaining of other materials. The forests are the Earth lung. The lung on which we depend the life of all.
The fruit of a taken care of good forest is the wood, most ecological of all the materials. The wood house is a house that breathes. The wood absorbs and expels the humidity regularizing therefore the one from the inner environment. It contributes to avoid respiratory ailments of reumatismo and problems, to stabilize the humidity, to filter and to purify the air. The natural bioelctrico field of the wood provides in addition an equilibrium state in the human body. The constructions of wood and interiors of wood, in case single they act like isolation, unlike which happen to other materials. The possibility of increasing these values with greater facility than in the traditional systems, and with smaller loss of useful surface, causes that the wood is a material widely used in the extreme climate countries. We have the prefabricated option, being able to combine both, we talked about to the partitions of pladur with thermal and acoustic insulator.
The acoustic properties of the wood house are the optimum ones. The wood absorbs the waves that receives. The wood house is a quiet house, which reduces the stress of its inhabitants. And unlike which many people create, the wood is a good construction equipment. Also there are some who consider that the structures of wood only lasts decades: This is very far from the reality. Numerous wood structures of other centuries in the beautiful Spanish houses of field are conserved. And in addition the wood is one of the few materials that age naturally. The ample use of the wood anywhere in the world demonstrates that the numerous advantages of the wood exceed widely to the disadvantages. But information: wood houses prefabricated houses American houses Original author and source of the article.
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