Bank of America (BofA), Wells Fargo and GMAC (financial arm of GM) is the capitalized banks less and goes to need US$ 33,9 billion, US$ 13,7 billion and US$ 11.1 billion, respectively. The Citigroup will have to catch more US$ 5,5 billions, according to government. JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Bank of New York Mellon and American Express had not demonstrated recapitalizao necessity, exactly in the simulations of more pessimistic scenes for the American economy, with the unemployment level arriving 10.3%, for example. For the conclusion of the government, the American financial system is if recouping, but not yet it is cured. Some of the biggest banks are steady. Others, however, need injection of billions of dollar. But none, as guarantees the financial authorities, is gives to declare insolvent. What announcement says the authorities americanasO in such a way marks the start of a new phase for the banking sector how much for the government of president Barack Obama, that waits that the resistance tests function as starting point for the recovery of the sector.
One of the reasons that had taken investors and account holders to run away from the great banks some months behind was the uncertainty how much to the solution of them. Sheila Bair, president of the FDIC, – I find that this goes to be an announcement that will stimulate the confidence – Has necessity of an additional mattress of capital for some institutions, but finds that it will have mechanisms to make this in next the six months. the secretary of the American Treasure, Timothy Geithner, said that he is ‘ ‘ reasonable confiante’ ‘ where the banks will be able to raise the necessary capital. The administration of president Barack Obama waits that the company obtains new injections by means of private sources. But Geithner already waves for a reopening of the public coffers saying that the Treasure has enough resources of what sobrou of the US$ 700 billion originally disponibilizados by the Congress to help the banks to mount colches of capital.
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