Tall with dark hair, dark, she was perfectly manicured in a tailored suit with high heels. We shared a subway car in Manhattan two years ago. He stood, holding the strap subway car and meticulously applying three coats of mascara as the train bumped and changed. With my mouth open in awe of his talent, I figured that it’s your morning routine, because she was really good at it. (I can hardly put clear lip gloss in a moving vehicle.) We all have routines in the morning and repeat every day, makes us experts in them. What is your morning routine? Need help to balance and center the day? or make you feel scattered? I invite you to try a powerful ritual of five minutes in the morning to set the day with the knowledge and awareness, daily movement toward balance and fulfillment you desire.
The ritual is very simple, consisting of three simple questions. The secret is to be honest, give yourself 5 minutes? and to ask questions. Question 1: What am I grateful? This question has amazing power. If you only remember one thing from this ritual, please remember this question! Write it down and put at least three highly visible locations. You may elect a bedroom dresser, your desk or on the dashboard of your car.
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