The laborers if judged in the obligation to produce more when the illumination intensity increased e, the opposite, when diminua. It proved superiority of the psychological factor on the physiological factor: the efficiency of the laborers is affected by psychological conditions. Recognizing the psychological factor only how much its negative influence, the researchers had intended to eliminate it of the experience, for considering it inopportune. The conclusion (that she was known as experience of Hawthorne) is that the productivity goes up when it has the perception of the workers who the direction of the company of the attention they. Recently the Experience of Hawthorne has been reviewed and criticized in its metodolgico aspect. In 1998 an article of New York Times pointed that five employees had only participated of the experience and two had been substituted.
Moreover, two economists of the University of Chicago, Steven Levitt and John List, had remade an analysis using econometry and they had not found linking between the productivity and the luminosity. 3.MUDANA CULTURAL 3.1.Pode or must be changed the Culture of an Organization? According to Kissil (1998), so that the organization can survive and if develop, so that revitalizao and innovation exist, must be changed the organizacional culture. This concept answers this question fully, where the Author suggests that the revitalizao and the innovation are important factors for the companies, and in certain way alone if it obtains this changing the culture of the organization. The effort of mutual agreement inside of the company is a way to guarantee a consistent structure and to keep the rhythm of productivity of the organization. To mount the teams with a varied profile she is necessary of a cultural approach and to choose the people who are different. What it makes a strong company is the internal mutual respect, is it who will be able to generate fast and efficient answers.