Archive for February, 2017

Paris Hilton Arrives

Socialite Paris Hilton arrives in Kiev on September 3, the contest Miss Ukraine 2010. Paris Hilton's visit to Ukraine, not because of great curiosity and great love for our country, the organizers of the competition Miss Ukraine 2010 she just pay a fee. Paris Hilton world famous socialite. Paris Hilton was born February 17, 1981 in New York. It is the granddaughter of Conrad Hilton, who is the founder of Hotel "Hilton".

Paris Hilton before becoming top model, singer and actress, was a very famous club lifestyle. She first appeared on screen in the ten years of age in the low-budget Disney film. Then began appearing in films in 2000. Paris Hilton lives between the two cities of Los Angeles and New York. It is the successor state millions. Paris Hilton often led the parade wearing the most tasteless of the stars.

And as was often the heroine of sex scandals. Paris Hilton released book, his biography, which is released under the title 'Confessions of skandalistki'. Paris Hilton is not the only world-famous star, which will arrive in Ukraine for the competition of Miss Ukraine 2010. also invited Eva Longoria and her husband, Francesco Versace (Donatella Versace's niece), Chris Norman, Jean-Claude Van Damme and others. It is known that Paris Hilton arrives in Kiev on September 3, it settled in a luxury hotel in Kiev. That it could well sleep after a ten hour flight. She will be highlighted at a personal butler and bodyguard. Gave her a royal suite or presidential. Paris Hilton arrives with his dogs. It will be a tour of Kiev. In the same hotel stop star desperate housewives Eva Longoria and her husband. In Kiev, Paris Hilton is going to arrange more than one evening. At parties, she's going to sing their new hits.

American Union

In 1978 Jastrow it published the definitive report of the NASA, making an impression to the public with the announcement of which the open model probably correct era. The 25 of June of that same year, Jastrow wrote on its discoveries in the New York Times magazine: ” This it is a strange, beside the point unexpected development by all, less by the theologians. They always have accepted the word of the Bible: ” In God principle created the sky and the Earth “. For the scientist who has lived with his faith in the power of the reason, history finishes as to an evil dream. It has scaled mountains of the ignorance; it was on the verge of conquering the highest point; and while it was pushed to arrive at the final rock, it was received by a band of theologians who been there have seated by siglos”. The Dr.

James Trefil, a physicist of the University of Virginia, independently confirmed the discovery of Jastrow in 1983. Doctors John Barrow, astronomer in the University of Sussex, and Frank Tipler, a mathematician and physicist in the University of Tulane, published similar results in 1986. Genesis Confirmed In the meeting of the American Astronomical Society in 1990, professor John Mather of the University of Columbia, an astrophisicist who serves like member of the Goddard Center of the NASA, presented/displayed ” the test more grande” of the existence of an open universe. In agreement with the reporter of the Boston Globe that covered the conference, professor Mather was received between great applause, which took to the president of the meeting, the Dr. Geoffrey Burbridge to comment: ” It seems very clear that the public is at least in favor of the book of Genesis -, the first versicle seems to have been confirmado”. In 1998, doctors Ruth Daly, Erick Guerra and Lin Wan of the University of Princeton, announced the American Astronomical Society: ” We can affirm with 97,5% of security that the universe is going away to expand by siempre”. Later in that year, the Dr.

Allan Sandage, a famous astrophisicist of the equipment of the Institute Carnegie de Washington, was mentioned in the Time New Republic saying: ” Big bang better is understood like a miracle triggered by some type of being able trascendental”. The columnista of the Newsweek magazine, George Will began its column of the 9 of November of 1998 with the following title: ” Next, the American Union of Civil Liberties or some similar group of secular litigants, is going to present/display a lawsuit against the NASA, being blamed them of which the space telescope Hubble, unconstitutionally it gives well-being him religiosos”. Permission To believe That same year, the Newsweek magazine reported an unexpected turn in the opinion of ” sometimes enthusiastic agnsticos”: ” forty percent of the American scientists now believes in a personal God – not necessarily an indescribable power present in the world, but a deity to that him rezan”. It is clear that there is mathematicians, physicists, astronomers and cosmologist whom they prefer not to believe in God. By a variety of reasons, they prefer to think in that new natural laws are going to be open pies, or that a new evidence is going to appear and to revert the present model of an open and created universe. For many, in the scientific community, the evidence is persuasive. For others, modern cosmology offers a permission to believe to them.

Persia Carpets

Weighed several tons. Say Khosrow I loved to walk alone on the "tracks" of this "garden". In 641, Persia conquered the Arabs, and "Spring Carpet" disappeared. For the East the carpet – this furniture, and wallpaper, and a sign of affluence. The level of human welfare in the Ancient East was determined by the quality available in his home carpets. And she looked sorry for the family that could not ustelit floors of his house worthy of carpets. In a wealthy house should always be a lot of carpets, with the highest quality.

Exclusive Persian rugs fit perfectly into any interior. All products are absolutely unique for ornament, color, philosophy, finally, not to mention the size. Movement, the soul, eternity – here's a rug! Each product has its own name, its history of manufacturing. After all, each rug worked hand of the master-weaver, often neither one year. Thread in these carpets are colored with natural dyes derived on the basis of wood of different species, herbs and vegetables. With regard to ornamental motifs and themes carpets from Iran, the history of their origin is as follows: in the late pre-Islamic period in carpets present stylized pictures of animals and human figures. After the Arab invasion in the same design of some rugs there are verses from the Koran, in huge quantities produced prayer rugs.

Carpets swept the world of ornamental geometry. Golden age of Persian carpet weaving was the Safavid era. The new capital of Persia in the XV century, became the city of Isfahan. Here, in 1499 established the first royal carpet shop. Religious ban on image animals and birds was removed, the production of carpets has become one of the main sources of revenue. Today in the carpets reflect not only the antique motifs, but the Baroque, Empire, rococo, classicism, modernism and contemporary styles began to appear on the surface of the carpet. About Persian rugs can say that they – "talking". Their language – nodules and paint. Their image is never an accident – for the selection and arrangement of certain elements of the pattern are age-old tradition of Islamic art and culture, talent and vision of the wizard. Each ornament is encrypted a certain sense. In the diamond-shaped angular flowers and leaves with jagged edges, a fine jewelry tie in mosaic patterns can be read verses of the Koran, proverbs, legends, future owner wishes. From the middle of the XVI century Persia supplied carpets many royal courts and aristocratic houses of Europe. France alone spent on purchase Persian carpets so much money that it has become significantly undermine its economy. Henry IV, even founded his own carpet production to somehow stop the outflow of money from the French Treasury in Asia. On collecting Persian carpets were obsessed with the French King Louis XIV, and Polish – Sigismund. And at the end of the XIX century was the massive hype. For Persian carpets fitted out shopping expedition. The mere mention of Persian origin shall ensure that any carpet success in Europe. Carpets of Iran claimed to this day. Export of carpets – in second place after oil. Every fifth inhabitant of the country to make a living, producing or selling carpets. It is worth noting that the Persian carpets have never been simply a luxury home furnishings – a kind of representation of people of the bliss of the spirit, heaven, beauty, which contain all the creative wisdom East.